Shoplifter! This scene made me want to take down a shoplifter for real. All this and more happens inside Empire Records, which could be on the verge of extinction. Plus, he took off his shirt while he danced and the sight was GLORIOUS. While Lucas is confined to the couch, Debra (Robin Tunney) shaves her head and a young man named Warren (Brendan Sexton) swears revenge after being caught shoplifting in the store. He had to tell Corey loved her by 1:37 exactly. He could fix the burned out lights on the company sign and he wasn’t afraid to punch out a douchebag has-been singer. He was gorgeous and artistic and sensitive. He offers zen wisdom and is quirky without being obnoxious. Lucas is the co-worker everyone dreams of having (right?). PLOTĪ group of record store employees try to save their independent shop from becoming a large chain. Price: 24. Despite this disappointment, I still love coming back to this movie. Spanish Closed-captioned Runtime: 107 min. Think less freedom and more red polo shorts paired with khaki pants. The reality of getting this job (or in my case it’s sister, the video rental store)- not so fantastic. You got to play whatever music you wanted, hang out with awesome co-workers who were vastly different personalities yet somehow all friends, and there was no required uniform.
Debra empire records movie#
This movie made it look like THE GREATEST JOB EVER. Each character is messed up in his or her way, but, ultimately, it's. Although it's hard to believe, it's been 25 years since the cult movie Empire Records was released. Empire Records is filled with the misfit, sometimes misunderstood characters whether it's the quirky Mark or the rebellious Debra. Where are they now The cast of Empire Records, 25 years after the cult movie was released. Yarn is the best search for video clips by quote. Totally cliche, right? You know whose fault it was that almost every twenty-something has shared in this aspiration? Empire Records. These defining quotes from Empire Records sum up the personalties of each main character from the artist to the goth girl. Empire Records (1995) clip with quote No, Debra, don't be bitter. Growing up I wanted to work in a record store.